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Contact Us

Department of Soil and Water Sciences
The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Herzl 229, Rehovot 7610001, ISRAEL

Administrative Coordinator: Mor Zehavi
Tel: 08-9489223 
Fax: 08-9366768

Teaching Programs Coordinator: Gila Shoham
Tel: 08-9489086
Fax: 08-9475181

*Click the map to enlarge



Dr Eran Tas

Holds the Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun senior lectureship in Agriculture

Higher Education

2010-2012, Post-doctoral fellowship in cloud microphysics, Weizmann Institute of Science.

2007-2009, Post-doctoral fellowship in multiphase atmospheric chemistry modelling and model development, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry.

2001-2007, Ph.D in Atmospheric Chemistry / measurements & modeling, The Hebrew University

1998-2000, M.Sc in air-pollution and trans-boundary transport, The Hebrew University.

1994-1997, B.Sc. in chemistry, The Hebrew University.


See more on our lab site..


Research Interests

Soil-plant-atmosphere continuum

Atmospheric chemistry

Air pollution

Cloud microphysics