

List of publications / Eran Tas

Chaudhary, N., Bonfil, D., Tas, E. (2021), Physiological and Yield Responses of Spring Wheat Cultivars under Realistic and Acute Levels of Ozone, Atmosphere, Atmosphere, 12(11), 1392, ,


Biosphere-atmosphere gas exchange & Atmospheric Chemistry

  • How climate change and air-pollution affect and being affected by changing the natural balance between the biosphere and the atmosphere?
  • How can we save water by improving evapotranspiration prediction, using atmospheric and soil modeling, combined with remote sensing?

Main current research topics

Dr Eran Tas

Holds the Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun senior lectureship in Agriculture

Higher Education

2010-2012, Post-doctoral fellowship in cloud microphysics, Weizmann Institute of Science.

2007-2009, Post-doctoral fellowship in multiphase atmospheric chemistry modelling and model development, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry.

2001-2007, Ph.D in Atmospheric Chemistry / measurements & modeling, The Hebrew University