Dr Yair Mau
I'm interested in the interactions between soil, water and vegetation in drylands, in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. Our goal is to understand how the basic processes and feedbacks influence the dynamics of the system, and how this knowledge can be used to control those systems.
Personal site
Group Members
Eran Tas head
Maor Gabay Ph.D. student
Qian Li Ph.D. student
Borys Beznoshchenko Ph.D. student
Tal Saadon MSc student
List of publications / Eran Tas
Chaudhary, N., Bonfil, D., Tas, E. (2021), Physiological and Yield Responses of Spring Wheat Cultivars under Realistic and Acute Levels of Ozone, Atmosphere, Atmosphere, 12(11), 1392, ,
Projects: Soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
- The role of biogenic volatile organic compounds in regional ozone formation under global warming: investigation in the Mediterranean Basin
- Measurement-Based Modeling of Methyl halides emission in the Dead Sea
- Investigating the impact of alternative fuels for transportation using a detailed chemical atmospheric model
Biosphere-atmosphere gas exchange & Atmospheric Chemistry
- How climate change and air-pollution affect and being affected by changing the natural balance between the biosphere and the atmosphere?
- How can we save water by improving evapotranspiration prediction, using atmospheric and soil modeling, combined with remote sensing?
Main current research topics
Dr Eran Tas
Holds the Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun senior lectureship in Agriculture
Higher Education
2010-2012, Post-doctoral fellowship in cloud microphysics, Weizmann Institute of Science.
2007-2009, Post-doctoral fellowship in multiphase atmospheric chemistry modelling and model development, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry.
2001-2007, Ph.D in Atmospheric Chemistry / measurements & modeling, The Hebrew University
Dr. Eran Tas
Dr. Yair Mau
Environmental modeling, ecohydrology, soil degradation, desertification.
Bhaduri B., Polubesova T., Chefetz B. 2019. Interactions of organic dye with Ag- and Ce-nano-assemblies: Influence of dissolved organic matter. Coll. Surfaces A 577:683-694.
Shang H., Guo H., Ma C., Li C., Chefetz B., Polubesova T., Xin B. 2019. Maize (Zea maysL.) root exudates modify the surface chemistry of CuO nanoparticles: Altered aggregation, dissolution and toxicity. Sci. Tot. Environ. 690, 502-510.
M.Sc. Students
Michal Perelman (2020-) Removal of phenolic compounds by ferrihydrite and birnessite. (Co-supervisor- Prof. Benny Chefetz)
Anna Benitez (2019- ) - Application of a granulated micelle-clay complex for removal from water (i) bacteria (ii) non-ionic herbicides: effects of organic cation loading on complex capacity of filtration and regeneration (Co-supervisor- Prof. Shlomo Nir)
71618: Introduction to Soil Chemistry
Course Level: undergraduate
Concept of the course: Demonstration of the interrelations between chemistry of soil components and soil processes, and between solid and liquid phases in soils. The importance of interfacial reactions is emphasized.
Ongoing Research
DOM–affected behavior of manufactured nanoparticles in soil-plant system
Adsorption and transformation of organic contaminants by clays
Adsorption and transformation of inorganic oxyanions and organic anions by clays and oxides
Dr. Tamara Polubesova
Senior Scientist
1981 - Ph.D. in Soil Science from Institute of Soil Science and Photosynthesis RAS, Russia.
1977 - B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Soil Science from Moscow State University, Russia.
Research Interests:
Environmental fate of nanoparticles; Physical chemistry of soils and clays; soil surface heterogeneity and properties; soil and clay interfacial reactions; adsorption and transformation of natural and anthropogenic compounds by clays; environmental chemistry.